
directions smcherections

Last week I got home from spin class, showered, got ready for work and took my multivitamin. I was almost out the door when I was sidelined by nausea. After expelling all my stomach contents (Powerade and vitamins) into the toilet I felt much better. I ate oatmeal in the car and headed to work. I attributed the sickness to my spin class but yesterday I took my vitamin again while getting ready. I started to feel ill and quickly stuffed my face with a fruit bar, hopeful it wouldn't end up in the loo. I went over to my cupboard and read the label "take one pill with food." I've never thought medication or vitamin directions were really necessary but now I'm starting to rethink that. The most twisted aspect to this is that I am tempted to take the vitamin again on an empty stomach just to see if it really is inducing nausea. It's like when I touch a bruise over and over again because maybe the 10th time I touch it the pain will go away. Am I alone here?


mskaz said...

See this is why I don't like taking vitamins. Obviously your body doesn't want it. It would rather stay toxic and empty of nutrients. Maybe you are pregnant? When I was taking my prenatal vitamins while preggers, I always felt sick. So I stopped taking them and hey, my kids turned out fine. Right?

And no, I don't repeatedly touch a bruise or entice myself to vomit. I think they have a word for people that like to do harm to themselves, but I can't either remember what it is or how to spell it. Either way, you need professional help.

Love ya.

aisy said...

masochist... is that what you're going for? try it, it's fun ;)

Dainon. said...


Jill said...

Women's One a Day make me vomit like crazy if I don't eat anything. I tried it lots of times, girl. Eat first.

Ryan Remains said...

i used to pick scabs when i was a kid, but i never ate them. ok, there was that once.

multivitamins scare me. is that weird?

i really like the schlocky powerade names, my favorite: green sqaull.

MLB said...

In the Life of JAX sent me. Stay away from Women's one a Day - they give me the heebie-jeebies. You can get what you need with a well balanced diet.

Joy said...

I take a one-a-day since I'm allergic to fresh fruits and vegetables(trader joe's brand--or as the packaging says, Trader Darwin)and I can't take mine on an empty stomach either. Hmm....