
this little piggy

I ran across this fun little time waster on pants that fit's blog. This was my pig!

Just another reminder that I am not artistic.

draw your own

p.s. my links order has changed based on those that more regularly post... but I love you all the same.


David said...

as you'll see everyone, based on this new strata... i'm #2. so that means you pretty much need to do what i say.

and my poop doesn't smell either.

aisy... your blog continues to delight me and intruige my most base faculties

Habituelle said...

Your pig looks happy. :)

aisy said...

mr. clark... is this one of your
"subtle qualifiers that undermine allegedly genuine compliments"?


yes, yes, you've moved up in aisy's world. be aware that apathy or laziness can put you back down. i'm so damn mean.

PTF- i think my pig looks happy in a demented sort of way, not nearly as good as yours!

David said...

i think seeing your drawing subconsciously affected how i drew mine..

i drew one almost exactly like yours, but with four feet, glasses, and a soul patch.

sort of a "if clark were a pig"

many have compared my work to a nascent picasso

aisy said...

hahahaha... send it to me. if i recall i received some sort of negative meaning based on only havnig two feet... but there were no comments on glasses and soul patches