
drink to me, babe, then

If you don't want to drink to me, then drink to avocados. I've never been a fan of that greenish goo until recently. I still can't eat them plain but I've discovered the best way to eat a wrap that absolutely must have an avocado. This new fetish started out so innocently when I was in Moab. I ordered a vegetarian wrap and the woman forgot the avocado. It just didn't taste right and I was fixated on it all day. When Kris and I got home we promptly made our own. It was a wheat wrap with hummus (I recommend the red pepper hummus), bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and the tour de force... avocados. I have made several since then and it never fails to please. The most recent edition featured havarti cheese. My mind is constantly drifting to different foods I can add avocados to. What I can't figure out is why I suddenly like them. They've always been high on my "do not eat" list, almost tied with olives. All I know is that I think about them A LOT. I also know I still HATE olives.

Someone said recently that our taste buds change every eight years. I think it's crap but I am curious to see if eight years down the road I'll start obsessing over olives. I'd just like an answer as to why our tastes change. However, I'm too focused on making another wrap to go research it.


ngharker said...

i think that was the first thing that we had in common... and now you are saying that that one essential nugget is gone?

aisy said...

sad but true. come see mason with me and i'll show you how good 'green' can be...

at least we'll always have diamonds (our disdain that is)

Sara said...

More power to you on overcoming the avocado disdain. I will happily continue with mine. Olives also rate pretty high and will continue after one Boston restaurant's misguided attempt at a cool new ice cream flavor...nicoise olive glacee. Crap is what it was.

Dagga said...

I love avocados, on their own, in wraps, with shrimps and lime, guaqamole is awsome, in salad with tomatos. I´m told that the uglyer the avocado is the better it tastes.

Ryan Remains said...

I had a similar conversion to avocados a few years back.

My pal Stu's mom used to put olives on her fingers and chase him around. He HATES olives, too.


David said...

aislinn... you actually regenerate new tastebuds every 2-3 weeks. try them on for size!

i love avacado on a hamburger. oh damn that's sweet lovin. also, gaucamole is the bomb.com

once in a while i treat myself with the extra *thwap of guacamole at chipotle. cause if i was at cafe rio i'd be getting the crap-burrito with a side of crap, covered in crap.

with lime.

Joy said...

Hmm, taste buds change every 8 years??? Mine haven't changed too much...I still dislike fresh tomatoes by themselves.

MF said...

Unfortunately, Mr. Pulsipher, I'm going to have to disagree with your assessment of Cafe Rio. Here is the argument: true, there are many similarities and as franchising occurs, Cafe Rio may actually be losing it's appeal. BUT try and get a good salad at Chipotle and you are left wanting. Salads WITH guacamole at Cafe Rio outshine the competition as Team USA did with the Original Dream Team. All-star line up, great combos, and a super star--Team USA's? Michael Jordan. Cafe Rio's? There delicious salad dressing.
Con Guac.

aisy said...

kathryn, good work on the broccoli. i'll still remember our ostrich dinner.

david, you know what i love about you? you are willing to eat crow (and you're damn funny too). i have a good feeling that cafe rio salads will be like the mac debate (i still treasure the text meassage i received from you when you bought one). you can slam the burrito but the salad my friend, will truly change your life.

Rebus said...

mmmmmm, avocado! hear, hear to the slimy green fruit! good for the body and soul. i definately down my fair share on a weekly basis.

i think i'll have my own tree when i grow up.