
keeping tabs

Injury count for the week: Two (or three if counting bruised ego)

1) Bruised and cut knuckle from glass shower door slamming it at full speed.
Curse words emitted: Three out loud, multiple inside head

2) Cut from a serrated knife on fleshy part of thumb.
Curse words emitted: Partial word that was not completely uttered due to mix company.

Goal for next week: Zero


mskaz said...

You're a klutz.

And a potty mouth. You should do something about that.

Dainon. said...

Ha. I was grating some zucchini and decided to not stop at my thumb. It added that little extra somethin' to my zucchini brownies.

aisy said...

updated: yesterday i was doing a rec activity with my students where we threw them in the air and then caught them with a blanket. one of my students didn't hit the blanket... he hit me. and for the record dani, i didn't swear.

mmm, dainon, those sound delicious.

Ryan Remains said...

see, i just want to know what swear words they are...i'm hyperfocusing, i guess.

that blanket trick is dangerous, as is the trust fall with teenagers, unless you don't mind being dropped on the ground.

Jill said...

I got dropped in the trust fall at Girl's Camp. RIpped my self esteem to shreds.

aisy said...

ouch jill! lesson: don't trust girls at camp.

ryan, well it was a mixture of the s and f word. i'm not proud but when you're hurt, there is something satisfying about it.

Ryan Remains said...

when you're hurt? they're something satisfying about a well place f bomb any time...

p.s. i'm telling your young women's leader that you said not to trust at girl's camp and you're going to be in big trouble...for serious.