
props to my pop

Just a few weeks into my dad's first year of law school I was born. I entered as the fifth addition to the kelly clan. It was no small feat that my mom and dad were able to parent our little army, while putting my dad through school. It speaks volumes of their character.

Prior to his life as a lawyer, my dad was a newspaper journalist. In celebration of Alberta's centennial my local paper, the Calgary Herald, has been reprinting 100 of its historic front pages. Yesterday the printed page was from December 21, 1974. What makes this of interest to me is that the column was written by my dad. Obviously the page was printed because of the story involved, not because of my dad's impressive writing. Nonetheless, I'm proud of my poppy. I've always admired his literary skills... and await his bestseller!

1 comment:

mskaz said...

Well I happen to think they did print that cover due to his literary skills, but maybe that's because he's always loved me more, being the first born and all.