
what's in a word?

I apologize for my tardy posts as of late. "Oh six" started off with a bang as I had good friend's in town for a visit. Thus, all of my spare time was spent soaking up their company. On Thursday night, my friend's and I ate at the fine establishment of International House of Pancakes (note sarcasm). Lisa was determined to have fruit and whip cream on pancakes, and since we had Cafe Rio for several days, I was more than happy to acquiesce. It was also close to midnight so it felt like it was time for breakfast.

On our way out the door, Sarah said "did you notice that server's name? It was spelled N-I-C. Do you know what that means in French?" When neither of us knew, she gave us a hint that it was equivalent to the worst word in English... but worse. However, Sarah and I had a difference of opinion over the worst word. To keep my blog clean, I will let you use your imagination on what two words we had a difference of opinion on, but needless to say she was thinking of a swear word and I was thinking of a dirty word. So in the car I made my list of worst words. It went a little like this "Vulgar word, Curse word, then Panties." The third word makes my skin crawl. I have no understanding as to why but it just does. I cringe when my sister says to her daughter to put her panties on. I shudder when my friend's say it to me to amuse themselves. I just about faint when I say it myself... well, I'm being dramatic, but I really hate it. I had a friend who said the word "moist" was his kryptonite.

My friends and I also discussed words that we like to say. I wish I could remember Sarah's word but it was something that surprised me. At the time I couldn't think of a word, but after some thought I realize I do enjoy saying "lickety-split" and my current favourite is "pish", as in "pish posh" or "oh pish." I like how they roll off my tongue. It is curious to me that rather benign words can take on a life of their own for people. So now I'd like to know what words people enjoy and what words they can't stand. Please note that there is no need to say vulgar or rude words. I'm talking about the panties and moist's of the world.

Ready, set, go...


elisabeth said...

that's funny that panties would bother you because i have a friend who is also extremely bothered by that word. it kind of makes her hunch her back and make a wierd sort of hacking sound. it's amusing.

Anonymous said...

Though their meanings are irrelevant to my esteem of the words, I love to pronounce 'gravel' and 'morgue'. With hard, drawn out consonants: grrraavvvvlll, morrrrg.
Close runners-up: Hubble (like the space telscope) and bazooka (like the Joe).

aisy said...

i've discovered throughout the years that i am not the only one who has a "panty" aversion... perhaps i should start a support group. i could call it PA

aisy said...

that's it... i'm amused that you enjoy the hard consonants, whereas i enjoy the soft ones... like pish

yeah, SAL made a comment. that has made my sabbath

Sara said...

Moist is high on my list of skin crawling words. I used to be fine with it, but a friend will shudder whenever it is said around her. As time went on, I realized I can't stand the word and so I now shudder (but on the inside) whenever I hear it.

David said...

i hate moist.
i also hate panties. panties. panties. yuck.
i also don't care for most scientific words for genetalia. i prefer much more esoteric terms.

words that i've been fond of lately:
boss (like, "that new strokes album sure is boss")
dickens, as in, "what the dickens is going on here?"

good post aisy larry..

elisabeth said...


David said...

yeah, like awkward, screwed up, busted, poor quality, of bad taste, foul.

ie, look at that girl's janky flip flops, i wish she wouldn't wear those to church.

(that goes for all of you girls)

aisy said...

surreptitious is a good one.

i like the british hold ons... my family still says daft quite a bit which we got from me mum. it is quite darling when the grandkids say it.

Adam said...

"Feeble" is great for an insult.

aisy said...

So my Mom found my blog by googling me (man I am sooo cool). She read this post and emailed this to me

"Found the item on panties amusing - but what else do you call them when you're talking to children? As in "don't you want to wear big girl - UNDERWEAR, BRIEFS, BLOOMERS, KNICKERS" (I love the word 'knickers', by
the way). I think 'panties' is a little more kid-friendly."

She then asked me to post her comment for her, not sure if she's figured out that she too can post it. I love my British Mum!

Oh and in response to my mum, I would say "Big Girl Underwear" and perhaps if I am so lucky to have children, I will only have boys and can just say "Go get your spiderman Underoos on"