
where you sit

I had one of those "do you see the faces or the vase" moments on Friday night. I went to dinner with a friend, and my seat faced the door. As we were talking I noticed a lovey-dovey couple at the door. She was nestled in to his neck and his arms were draped around her waist. I found the display quite amusing and had my friend turn around to check it out. She did a quick glance over her shoulder and we shared a good laugh. I've never quite understood why some couples find it difficult to avoid pawing each other in public. About 10 minutes later, my friend interjected "So first we have the touchy couple, now we have the awkward first date couple. They are sitting behind you." I glanced over my shoulder to notice that it was the same couple I had pointed out earlier. It took some time to convince my friend that they were indeed the same two people, as the scenes were so dissimilar. Once seated, they had little to say to one another. Since my back was to them, my friend relayed all that she saw. It was noted that there was little communication and a general sense of unease.

We pegged them the "physical couple." You know those couples... cerebral attraction does not appear to be the main selling point of the relationship. When they're not pawing each other, they have little to talk about. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun, I mean, they may be the kind of people that are quiet to begin with. All I know is that I would rather be in a relationship that is amusing, full of conversation, and intellectually stimulating. Of course, kissing doesn't hurt! (Caveat: not in public)


David said...

well, you are in provo... so the physical couple thing doesn't really surprise me.

all those 19-22 year old getting married aren't doing it for the brains... they haven't even developed brains yet.

*says the bitter divorcé

and hell yeah to apples, i never even knew how to do that little accent thing until just now. i thought, "i wonder how i can do that, maybe if i press the apple button." and voila... it worked.

steve jobs. i love you. i want to have babies with your female equivalent. on strictly physical attraction, of course.

aisy said...

Ohh, thanks for the apple tip.

Ah Provo... so strange, yet so much to amuse myself with. The people watching is fantastic!

aisy said...

wow kaphryn, who knew you were so well bred? (i did, but i'm special that way). i love that quote, that's my new mantra.

thanks for making an appearance ms. davies.

Anonymous said...

I say we should commiserate with the poor BYU-PDA-ers. They probably didn't have a car, and as BYU-alumni know, that is pretty much the only way you can make out with your boy/girlfriend in private. That's why you see couples doing the long, snuggly strolls every night that weather permits: people don't live alone, can't find privacy by entertaining their company in a bedroom, and any moment of solitude at home can be interrupted by the dreaded arrival of roommates.

I'm willing to bet that a healthy percentage of illigitimate children conceived by BYU co-eds are conceived in cars.

And in restaurants.

aisy said...

what? people actually make out while they are dating???